Thursday, April 30, 2009

All in a day's work

Here is today's best phone conversation:

ME: Hello, how can I help you?

CALLER (male): Yeah, I got a couple questions for you. My first question is, uh, OH, CRAP! [pause] Uh, my second question is...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Favorite Things

Here in the House of Too Many Pets, I constantly fight the battle against pet hair, and the pet hair usually wins...until now...

Pledge, I owe you one.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

All in a day's work

So, this guy called again earlier this week. The conversation went something like this:

Guy: What does it mean with they say "Sir Isaac Newton"? What does the "sir" mean?

Me: It means that he has been knighted, and "Sir" is his title.

Guy: Oh. So what do they call a woman who has been knighted?

Me: If it's a woman, then her title is "Dame".

Guy: Oh. I thought they called her "Miss Madame".

Then today, I got this call from a different man:

Man: Yeah, I need some information. You're a woman. My wife is having a birthday; what could I do for her that would be really romantic?

Me: Weeellll, I don't know if I can give you any suggestions. Since I don't know your wife, I don't know what she would think is romantic.

Man: Oh, I was thinking we could go to a state park. She doesn't really like motels, but she could put up with one--one that's maybe not too expensive. With a pool. Like maybe the Holidome. Does that sound good?

Me: I think whatever you decide, just be thoughtful and do something she would think is special, OK?

Man: Yeah, ok.

It's almost like I make this stuff up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You said it

My favorite book title of the week (so far)...

All the Wrong People Have Self-Esteem by Laurie Rosenwald

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm flattered, I think?

Wow, You're a Labrador Retriever!

Labrador Retriever
The Caretaker

Your family is what makes you tick, and you never "flea" from an opportunity to hang out with the whole gang. A family picnic complete with hot dogs, deviled eggs and a refreshing swim in the lake is hard for you to stray from. Your sparky temperament and dogged intelligence mean you are not only a blast to hang out with, but great to work with as well. Your close pals appreciate your patience and forgiveness, knowing you'd rather let sleeping dogs lie than dwell on the mishaps of the past. Your dashing good looks may one day lead to a modelling career, if only you can tame the unfortunate clumsiness that sometimes causes you to go flailing from the catwalk.

FAMOUS LABRADOR RETRIEVERS: Bill Cosby, Jackie Onassis, Dr. Phil, David Beckham

LIKELY PROFESSIONS: Doctor, Sales Executive, Teacher

You can take the quiz yourself here