Sunday, April 25, 2010

Frolicking lambs

I'll have to add creating a place like this to my list of career options--an alternative to milking goats, hooray! Alpacas and goats and sheep, oh my!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring photos

If I could explain her,

I would. I could also probably fix her.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring has sprung

and instead of being grateful for it, I'm thinking about how last year, it wasn't until the first part of May that we had things greening up. Now, last year was awfully cold and damp. So were things just late last year? Or early this year? Is it global warming? If I hack off all my neighbor's vines that threaten to take over my yard, do you think they'll notice? Is there any way to kill lemon balm without killing everything else around it? That stuff should come with a warning--DO NOT PLANT IN THE GROUND!! IT WILL TAKE OVER!!!

Or I could just relax and enjoy the season.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome to the family

The apple

doesn't fall far from the tree...