Saturday, September 5, 2009


You know that game you teach babies about animal sounds? "What does the cat say?" "Meow" "What does the cow say?" "Moo" and so on. My 19-month-old niece Maggie Bea has been learning some unusual ones: "What does the wolf say?" "Aaaoooooo!" "What does the opera singer say? "Laaaaaaa!" Her aunt taught her, "What does the cowboy say?" "Yee hah!" I taught her one too, and this is what her mother reported to me yesterday:

Maggie Bea very randomly says to me this morning: Mama …Linnnaeriaaaan…(garbage talk I can’t understand)

Mama: What honey?

Maggie bea: Linnneariannnn….shhhhhh

Mama: Shhhh? What are we being quiet for?

Maggie Bea: Linnnnearrianann…shhhh …Mama …collie…linnnnearrrian…shhhh

Mama: Oh…What does the librarian say?

Maggie Bea: Shhhhhh

We got through it together!

You are inspiring little librarians everywhere

That child is SO in my will!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Aw, Maggie, you are a delight! We now have to teach Ivy the librarian sound, too!