That's right; I raked every single one of those eleventy billion leaves. Stupid maple trees that surround my yard that don't even belong to me so I can't cut them down. Yeah, those maple trees.
I did have a little bit of drama on Sunday. While raking leaves in the backyard, I happened to glance at the wren house and noticed that there was a sparrow half hanging out of it. It was obviously stuck, and the poor little fellow was panting for breath. I climbed up on a ladder and took the house down. I tried to get the bird out, but he was stuck good. So I took off the back of the house and emptied out all the nest material for a better look. And with access to fresh air, the poor wee birdie was able to breathe a little easier.
Unfortunately, I could see that the bird's bottom bill was stuck in the wood of the house, and I didn't want to yank it out, too afraid I might hurt him.
I called our local wildlife sanctuary and asked if they had any suggestions. Not really, they said, not without seeing him. Could I bring him in? You bet. So bird, birdhouse, and I got into the car and headed for the sanctuary. Two nice rehab volunteers took over and literally sawed the birdie out of the wood. Once freed, he was still fiesty enough to try to bite the volunteer holding him, so we figured he was none the worse for wear. She let him go outside and that was my good deed for the day done.
It seemed cruel to take a photo of him while he was stuck, so here's a photo of the inside of the birdhouse, with my fingers playing the part of the bird's head:
And finally, I bring you...Frankendog:
Yes, poor Alice Faye had to have some surgery a couple of weeks ago to remove a lump. Turns out it was a mast cell tumor, but the surgery removed all of the cells, and we are hoping she will remain cancer-free. She's recovered from the surgery but still has to wear her little doggy coat to protect the incision until it fully heals. Other than being itchy, she feels great.
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